Beaches Aquatic Club is a USA Swimming sanctioned, year round swimming program. We are a non-profit organization dedicated to training young people in the Beaches communities to swim and compete at a high level..

Dedicated to stroke development & creating a love of swimming
Monthly Coaching Fee: Due on the 1st day of each month
1st swimmer $100 per month
2nd swimmer $90 per month
*$20 late fee if paid after the 5th day of the month
Seasonal Coaching Fee: (includes May, June, & July)
1st swimmer $270 (3 months x $90)
2nd swimmer $240 (3 months x $80)
*Due on May 1st
Beaches Aquatic Club Registration Fee: $100 per swimmer
*Due on May 1st for all swimmers
River City Swim League (RCSL) Entry Fee: River City website:
1st swimmer: $60
2nd swimmer: $30
*Due on May 1st for all swimmers
*Need River City Registration form for all swimmers
*Need Birth Certificate for new swimmers.
USA Swimming Registration Fee
(required if swimming past July)
$85 for Full Year Membership, or a seasonal membership for $37.50.
You must be USA registered to swim USA Sanctioned Meets